
Composable proving workflows

Pico empowers developers with the ProverChain—a feature that enables you to seamlessly chain together machine instances to create a complete, end-to-end ZK proof generation workflow. Leveraging Pico’s modular architecture, ProverChain allows you to design workflows tailored precisely to the needs of your application.

Proving Phases

Pico’s proving process is structured into distinct phases:

  • RISCV-Phase: The RISCV instance executes a RISCV program, generating a series of initial proofs.

  • RECURSION-Phase: The CONVERT, COMBINE, COMPRESS, and EMBED instances work together recursively to consolidate these proofs into a single STARK proof.

  • EVM-Phase: This final STARK proof is then fed into a Gnark prover to generate a on-chain-verifiable SNARK that is ready for deployment on EVM-based blockchains.

Default Proving Workflow

By default, Pico constructs a proving workflow by chaining the following machine instances:


In this sequence:

  • RISCV- and the RECURSION-Phase handle the initial execution and recursive proof generation. It takes a RISCV program and input and generates an embedded STARK proof.

  • ONCHAIN—an optional instance—works at EVM-Phase and converts the embedded STARK proof into an EVM-verifiable SNARK.

Customizing Your Workflow

While the default workflow is designed for uniform efficiency, ProverChain offers exceptional flexibility, enabling developers to tailor the proving process to their specific requirements:

  • Chain Modification: Easily add, adjust, or remove machine instances. For example, if on-chain verification is not required, you can simply omit the ONCHAIN step.

  • Performance Optimization: Experiment with different configurations to achieve the optimal balance between proof size and proving efficiency. In some scenarios, accepting a slightly larger proof can lead to faster overall performance.

  • Intermediate Access: The ProverChain module exposes the intermediate steps—formatted as a sequence (e.g., stdin -> proof -> proof -> ... -> final proof)—allowing you to fine-tune internal parameters at each stage of the workflow.

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